About this blog

I once made the mistake of asking my husband, "What's the point of life? We live, we stress, we die, those who know and love us eventually die too. Then what's left? Nothing. We are forgotten, and the fact we ever existed disappears forever."
I imagine the comment left my husband questioning if he should run for the hills or add the suicidal hotline to speed dial. Lucky for me, we had been married for years and he knew me well enough to know it wasn't quite time to remove sharp objects from the house.
He was right. The truth is, I don't think I am any different than many others. I expect half the people on Earth have questioned why they are here at one time or another. The daily grind of life can be overwhelming. It is bound to get us down. Sometimes life is beautiful, and sometimes it grabs us by the throat, sinks its ugly fangs in our flesh and sucks us dry. Sometimes we are in love with life; sometimes we want to rare back and sock it in the face. Sometimes, it makes us question our existence at all.
Emotion exists in our world for a reason. It's okay to feel happy, content or giddy. But, it is also okay to cry, doubt, stress, or feel anger or fear. It is a normal part of life.
Unfortunately, at our lowest moments, there comes a time when we have to find our strength within to pull ourselves out of the rut. We have to drag ourselves off the couch, step away from the ice cream and accept life for what it is.
Although I've resigned to the fact my Earthly mind will never understand why, there is a reason God put each of us on this Earth. There is a reason for our trials and triumphs. There is a reason when that last curtain drops and we take our final bow. This blog is to help us remember that life is short; we might as well live it, laugh when it's appropriate, and barrel our way through the hard times even if it takes a double shot of Espresso.

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