Friday, October 24, 2014

10 Things I wish I knew in high school

Me (left) and my sister, Angela (right) rocking
big hair in 1991.

 Oh, what I would give to go back and give my teenage self some words of advice, starting with you're definitely going to regret that hairdo and the gigantic bow is not a good look. (Sorry to include a picture of you too, Angela, but like what any good, little sister would do, I'm taking you down with me).

As a teacher, I am reminded everyday what it was like to walk those halls. I remember trying to find my place in a world where everything is overdramatic, small problems feel like the end of the world, and to quote the Fresh Prince of Bellaire, "parents just don't understand."

10 things I wish I knew in high school:    

1. Who you are now is absolutely NOT who you will become later in life. As sophisticated as you think you are, at some point, you will shake your head and hope nobody remembers the stupid things you said and did.

2. When parents give you grief, it is because they are trying to spare you from making a mistake either they did or someone they know did.

3. You really aren't the center of attention. Your classmates aren't focused on you; they are too busy focused on themselves.

4. Despite what you think, you're not grown. It is impossible to have a grown up relationship with someone when you are still figuring out who you will become.

5. High school drama is pointless. You won't stay in touch with the majority of people you go to school with. Those you do, won't be the ones causing the drama. 

6. 99 percent of the things you get upset about don't matter. The fact Catty Claire gave you a dirty look in the hallway, or Joe Loudmouth got snippy with you in government class will not affect your overall life. Neither will that break-up that is so devastating now.

7. Your parents are just older, wiser, more mature versions of you. When you are their age, you will still feel 18 and believe it or not you will remember what it was like to be in high school.

8. High school will definitely NOT be the best time of your life. That sibling who annoys you so much now, will be the one you want in your corner later in life. 

9. Don't wish your life away. "I can't wait for the weekend, turn 16,  graduate, turn 21, get married, have a family." Milestones will come. Enjoy the moments in between.

10. There will come a point in your life when you read a list similar to this and not roll your eyes. You will not shrug it off as another adult who doesn't understand you. You will smile because you know it to be true.

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